The Ascension

In His Remembrance do hearts find rest…

Bilal Mustafa
5 min readMar 12, 2021
From Earth to Heaven

A monumental journey which took place some 1400 years ago. It was an ordinary night in the heat throbbing desert land of Makkah, Arabia. Just like any night the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), prepared himself for his bed and lay to rest. Little did the Prophet of Islam know of the plan his Creator had for him.

The Prophet was approached by the angel Jibra’il (Gabriel), he requested the Prophet to follow him towards the Sacred Ka’bah. Upon arrival the Prophet was spiritually cleansed, after which an animal from heaven itself was brought to the Prophet. Perplexed by this unearthly creature it soon came to the Prophets attention he had some travelling to do this night. It was from there the inception of the Israa, the night journey began.

The Almighty Himself states —

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ

Glory be to the One Who took His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.¹

وقد قال الشاعر في محبوب مخلوق، ولله المثل الأعلى

يا قوم قلبي عند زهراء
يعرفه السامع والراءي
لا تدعني إلا بيا عبدها
فإنه أشرف أسمائي

A poet most diligently narrates — Do not call me but by the name His servant, for indeed it is the most honourable of names.²

The above briefly outlines the actuality of this auspicious night, cementing this event to be of one of the many tenants of Islam. The mentioned ‘night journey’ pertains to the Prophets travel from Makkah to Jerusalem.

The Buraaq — a heavenly animal, had the capability to travel extreme distances at rapid speeds. The 1500 kilometre journey was achieved in next to no time where an even more interesting version of events unfold.

Upon arrival in Jerusalem, the Prophet tied the Buraaq to a socket in the wall, this was said to be the very socket other Prophets would tie their transport before entering Masjid-ul-Aqsa. It was at this point the Prophet led a prayer wherein behind him were the previous 124,000 Prophets. A symbolising image captured in time, where the Prophet Muhammad’s finality and leadership over other Prophets was affirmed.


Thereafter the Prophet and Jibra’il both proceeded to the Dome Of The Rock, here the angel Jibra’il presented two chalices. One had pure white milk whilst the other had wine. The Prophet accepted the milk chalice after which Jibra’il stated, ‘You have chosen that which is natural.’ A symbolic moment wherein purity is preferred to impurity, a feature of the religion. It was here the Ascension Mi’raaj began.³

To Heaven and Beyond

Mentioned in numerous sayings of the Prophet, the Ascension was a complex journey from Jerusalem to the terminus of heaven itself. The Prophet alongside Jibra’il were stopped at each gate of the seven heavens. Permission was granted in the following format, ‘Who is there?’ asked the gatekeeper of heaven. ‘It is Jibra’il,’ replied Jibra’il. ‘Who is with you?’ interrogated the angel. ‘It is Muhammad’ responded Jibra’il. ‘Has he been sent for?’ to which Jibra’il affirmed ‘Yes.’ Entrance was achieved where the Prophet now witnessed several other Prophets of Allah and greeted them. He met the Prophet Adam — father of mankind in the 1st heaven. Then an encounter with the Prophet Eesa (Jesus) as well as Yahya (John) occurred in the 2nd heaven. The Prophets Yusuf and Idris in the 3rd and 4th heavens respectively, followed by the Prophet Haroon (Aaron) in the 5th. A meeting with the Prophet Musa (Moses) ensued in the 6th heaven finally following a meeting with the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) in the 7th heaven.

It was beyond here where the Prophet further ascended to a portion namely the Sidratul-Muntaha. Hereby a meeting between the Lord Himself took place. It is worth mentioning this was something which eludes both space and time as the presence of God was achieved

When explaining this most fascinating station beyond paradise the Prophet was speechless. Allah affirmed:

‘When the tree was covered up, with what it was covered up with’ — Chapter 53 | Verse 16

The Prophet said ‘I witnessed a spectrum of colours, incomprehensible.’ ⁴

Allah then spoke to the Prophet and gave him glad tidings of prayer, fifty in total. This was to become the core practice of all those who accepted Islam till the end of times. Upon his decline the Prophet was quizzed by Moses who advised for a reduction in prayer, this was due to his own experience with the Jewish nation and their lethargy in prayer. Thus after nine reductions the remaining prayers were now five with the complete reward of fifty. Truly a mercy for the believers.

Many a details have been overlooked in hope that you, the reader, take some time to study the various variants recorded in the prophetic sayings. A personal recommendation of Saheeh Muslim hadith 162 and Tafsir-ul-Qurtubi under Chapter 17 | Verse 1.

Muslims therefore commemorate this historical night and auspicious occasion. Usually spent as a reflection of the core story and the enlightenment one can achieve through it. The 27th night of Rajab always sits just over a solar month away from the month of fasting — Ramadan. Thereby serving as a catalyst of spirituality for the anticipated.

A simple reminder to the faithful that prayer is a gift and should be appreciated accordingly.

The Usooli Iconoclast

¹ The Quran — Chapter 17 | Verse 1
² Adhwaa-ul Bayaan Fi Tafseeril Quran — Chapter 17 | Verse 1
³ Saheeh Muslim — Hadith 162
⁴ Tafseer-ur Razi — Chapter 53 | Verse 16–17



Bilal Mustafa
Bilal Mustafa

Written by Bilal Mustafa

Interests in Philosophy | Jurisprudence | Great Exegeses | Cloud Computing | Automation

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